extended integer meta

/avail/Avail/Foundation/Bootstrap/Special Objects: extended integer meta
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Bootstrap/Special Objects (Documentation only; not exported for use)
Categories: Primitives, Types
See: integer range from_(inclusive=_)to_(inclusive=_)
See: [_.._]
See: [_.._)
See: (_.._]
See: (_.._)
Avail's integral type specifies four parameters for completion:
  • The lower bound is an integer which specifies the smallest allowed value. The floor operation, ⎣_⎦, answers the lower bound of an integral type.
  • The lower bound inclusion indicator is a boolean value that establishes whether the lower bound is a member of the integral type. When this value is true, then the lower bound is included in the type's membership. When this value is false, then it is not so included. The method ⎣_⎦is inclusive answers the lower bound inclusion indicator of an integral type.
  • The upper bound is an integer which specifies the largest allowed value. The ceiling operation, ⎡_⎤, answers the upper bound of an integral type.
  • The upper bound inclusion indicator is a boolean value that establishes whether the upper bound is a member of the integral type. When this value is true, then the upper bound is included in the type's membership. When this value is false, then it is not so included. The method ⎡_⎤is inclusive answers the upper bound inclusion indicator of an integral type.